Sri Lanka Basketball Federation invites SLBF registered basketball players in Sri Lanka (Men’s) to take part in the first ever Pro League – SLBL2019. Players will be selected at an auction night to 6 franchise team sponsors. A Total of 60 players will be selected to these teams.
The selected players will be provided with playing attire and will be remunerated as auctioned. A cash price of Rupees One Million is up for grab for winners. Each team will have a maximum of 10 players, including two U23 players and one U18 player which is mandatory.
Player eligibility criteria:
Any player who represented one of the last two Senior National Championships.
Any player who represented one of the last two Mercantile A Division Championships and or Colombo Supper League A Division.
Any other player whom should be recommended by respective Club/Schools Association/Military establishment or District Association.
The league will run maximum of 6 weeks and is scheduled in May/June and players who wish to take part are required to sign a contract agreement with SLBF.
Players wish to take part in the historic SLBL2019 Pro League are requested to complete the Player Application/Consent Form (available for download) and submit by 15th April 2019 to srilanka_basketball@yahoo.com or hand delivered to Mr Paul Newmen (TEL: 0773960174).
Time deadline for,
Players’ submission of applications is 15th April 2019
Please note that late submissions will not be entertained.
Downloads Available here : https://www.slbasketball.com/applications