Sri Lanka beat Nepal to be Crowned-Champions at the Inaugural South Asian Basket Ball Association Women’s Championship held at the National Sport Council Indoor Stadium in Kathmandu- Nepal. In the Final match Sri Lanka beat Nepal 73 to 49 points.
Sri Lanka lead Jayaliya Kumari was the dominant team at the tournament defeating Maldives 106 to 39 points, Bhutan 112 to 31 points and Bangaladesh 115 to 11 points to secure full points before the deciding fixture with Nepal Who also had an unbeaten run till the Lankan defeated them.

Sri Lanka beat Nepal in the final to be crowned champions at the Inaugural South Asian Basketball Association (SABA) Women’s Championship held at the National Sports Council Indoor Stadium in Kathmandu, a few days ago. In the final, Sri Lanka beat Nepal by 73 points to 49.

Sri Lanka beat Nepal to be crowned champions at the Inaugural South Asian Basketball Association (SABA) Women’s Championship held at the National Sports Council Indoor Stadium in Kathmandu in the first week of April. In the most awaited final match Sri Lanka beat Nepal 73 to 49 points.